Paddy is back on Irish soil again, for how long I do not know (and I'd wager he doesn't know either). Lilinator has joined him, after spending a happy week in The 'Couv.

I have lots to do. I'm meant to have all my Young Scientist forms/proposals finished for tomorrow, as well as a large amount of homework. My room has suffered from the lack of motherly cleaning instinct that is prevalent in all mothering mammals. Like I said to a friend, I've got to take away the resemblance to the site of a moderately large atomic bomb. It's not as bad as Patrick's now, but give it another few days and I could enter that league. I'm stepping in before that shame befalls me.


Found these two youtube videos in a quick perusal and decided to bring them to the blog.

First is from America's Got Talent. I have a couple of theories of how they could have made it happen. They involve robotics and midgets.

The second one is from the British equivalent. I can only sum it up as the epic fail that'll be talked of for years. What makes it even funnier was he didn't realise it until he'd showed us the other duck. That said, he took it well and maintained his (or what was left of it) dignity until he got off the stage


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