Reading someone's blog with Google Ads (although it wasn't a blog or post about it) and saw an ad for this
I should be laughing. I'm not.
I'm trying to figure it out exactly. Is it a hoax? Trying to get people's money. At 79$ it's an expensive mistake. It could be a placebo, where someone tells you it'll work and you want it to so badly your brain tricks you into thinking it's working. If it were free I'd lean towards someone trying to make someone else feel good, but 79$ brings me back to a hoax.
Seeing this website made me think how many others are out there. A quick Google search of "Cerebral Palsy cure" brought up "Advanced Centre", "Neurology Channel" and this one from CerebralPalsyInfo
#1 is just exercising/stretching, which I do already by cycling/doing stretches, and is only for keeping muscles from getting tighter, not curing CP
#2 is again just stretches, which is useless as a cure. It also mentions surgery, which is not a cure
#3 has three goals
First, a therapist will attempt to prevent muscle atrophy, or the deterioration of muscle tissue from lack of use.
Prevention of deterioration through lack of use is solved incredibly easily by exercise. My 3 year old cousin could have told me that. Surely if you have CP, it'd be the logical thing not to be lazy and spend your life watching TV?
The second goal is to avoid the contraction of muscles caused by the condition.
By physiotherapy. Again, not. a. cure.
Third, a skilled therapist can work with a patient to improve motor skills through a program of special exercises.
Haven't we been through this?!
In short, there is no cure for CP. Not as of 17:56 today, the 25th of September. CP can be managed, not cured