Hey, I'm Tommy, also known as "Tommo" or "my annoying younger brother"

This is my blog, where I shall do many things!

- Rant about how much homework I have (actually that reminds me, I gotta do that soon)

- Tell all of you interested (I hope) people just how I spend my time. 

- Upload sound clips of my latest drum licks (once I get a recording software that doesn't make them sound terrible) *cue "but that's how they always sound!" from certain family members.*

- Try and make a list of what books I've read recently

- Review the latest Torchwood/Simpsons/Doctor Who episode 

So, yeah. That's the general outline. 

My blog's title, "Trust Tommy" is from an old slogan for a toy company "Tomy" *Visions of that time I was 9 and signed my passport "Tomy" instead of "Tommy"*


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